Friday, December 25, 2009

Personal Update

Hey everybody! Hope you enjoyed all the music I've been posting up daily. This is truly something new to me, and I'm still getting use to it. Anyways, as some of you might have read in my very first post, that the songs I post up have some sort of deep connection with me, and that's why I like em and post em up here.
However, lately my mind has been out of this planet. Thoughts and emotions are running through my brain cells like never before, and it's due to some difficult situations I'm dealing with. It does have to do with the past, which you can probably figure out by the songs I've posted up, but also the current state of my relationships.

This is something I've never experienced in my life. I can say it's a test and a big emotional struggle that I'm going through. Many symptoms have gone through my mind and body, yet I have more to go through. The thought makes me want to end my life, yet I know that is an unwise decision. This is a fight of right and wrong, love and respect. A fight that is internal between close one's around me. Prevailing this challenge will help me succeed in future bonds.

I just wonder, when will I ever learn from the words that I write. Yes I say what needs to be done, but how will I get myself to do it. That's the real challenge. Yet I'm still there figuring out a tactic to conquer through this journey.

Leave me a comment, and tell me how you overcame a big emotional struggle in your lifetime.

-One Love, One Musical Paradise

1 comment:

  1. Just pray to god and be strong and dont let no one tell pull you down. People going to talk about u till the day u die and there nothing u can do about it ..just make sure it dont get to you :) Si no te cabe el aniyo, no te lo pongas.
    In other word if ppl are saying thing that arnt true about u then dont pay no atention. :) And if its true fix it and prove them wrong. :) .And dont losse faith be strong and be happy and with a positive mind :) Everything will get better :) Trust me it always does :)
